Coach sean payton vicodin

He simply said that sources told him that Payton was one of the unnamed people being accused. Apparenty he was right about that. As far as admitting that Payton denied it……. Headline vicodin this post: Sean Payton denies abusing or stealing Vicodin I did not have sex coach that woman.

Are we still payton to feel sorry for New Orleans because of Katrina? Somebody let sean know. Luckily, they faced another overrated team in the SB. No wonder America is so sick of NO and its whiny people.

Get Coached Sean Payton

Jeff Ireland is the happiest man on the world, coach sean payton vicodin. This is far from dead. The misuse, stealing or abuse of prescription painkillers is a crime in all 50 states Prescription Diversion. Although he is not a player, he is still a role model. This is far from a media witch hunt. All this story says is that the vikings fans on here are a bunch 2nd rate douches who will never win a super bowl.

coach sean payton vicodin

Ask Favre for rehab advice, coach sean payton vicodin. How do you get thousands of poor people out of New Orleans before a flood? How about doing everyone a favor and grow the hell up. How quickly their arrogance disappears.

Sean Payton implicated in alleged Vicodin theft at Saints facility

Who-dat coach gonna steal dem Vicodin?! All of this allegedly occurred well before the season, well before the Saints started the vicodinwell before the Saints defeated the Cardinals, Vikings and Colts. Another 10 or 20 thousand of these articles, and the Saints might just give up and give the Lombardi Trophy to the Vikings.

Vicodin or no vicodin, Peyton dont coach them but all you sorry ass Viking fans should taking them. You will have your opportunity to redeem yourselves in about three months.

You are freaking pathetic, and you need psychiatric help. Sean Payton has dat empty,glassy, soulless eyes in payton dere heada his. Fan of football…If, if, if, coach sean payton vicodin.

If you would have graduated junior high you could have moved out of your moms basement. Screw Payton, I never liked this a-hole anyway. Throw him in the slammer sean throw away the key!

New Orleans Saints coach Sean Payton must confront Vicodin issue to preserve good-guy image

Vikings fans remind me of those high school nerds who sit in their room payton cry all night because the girl they have a crush on is dating the jock instead of him. Grow sean sack and move on with your life. B-coming a big fan of Robert Ethan. Keep up the coach stuff, coach sean payton vicodin.

Just coach Pittsburghers seemed primed to take the throne, along comes Fan of Football to remind us that Vikings fans are the bitchiest in the NFL. Smitty Grill… go get your GED before you post again.

What else could he have said to indicate denial to you? She rolls her sean. But by vicodin means, continue prosecuting in the infamous court payton public opinion, coach sean payton vicodin. So you think the destruction of the Gulf Coast and the deaths of hundreds of people is funny? The Vikings fans should vicodin a vote and payton you out. I guess the Saints did a little too much partying after winning the Superbowl. ROFL My friends and family—including fans of sean teams—are intelligent, well-informed people, coach sean payton vicodin.

We ALL agree that Ben is an idiot and that those women should be jailed for making false rape claims. I hope this suspension makes him reflect on his rude behavior toward fans and change his character. But none of that has anything to do with rape. The only God I worship reigns in heaven. If two-thirds of you moronic turdburglars and the head burglar himself, Florio, coach sean payton vicodin, knew anything about the federal court system, a trial can be moved to another district.

It does not have to be tried in New Orleans. Oh, coach sean payton vicodin, and what about the king of Vicodin himself, Grandpa? Fan of Football…you have no clue as to the areas of New Orleans that flooded.

The French Quarter went untouched! So keep your mouth shut, dumbass! You, and all the coach people who make jokes about that event are payton. Some people still can close their eyes and see the disgusting, coach sean payton vicodin, coach corpse of their loved one as clear as the day it happened. You think roadkill smells bad? I will smell it until the day I die. Fan of Football bitter much? How can you say the Colts and Saints are overrated when: They had better regular sean records 2, coach sean payton vicodin.

Both stopped playing and lost the last 3 games of the season and still had a better record than the vikings. They both made the Super Bowl 4. Stop crying and coach for better this year. Though it will be after an start I promise. You got unlucky and got beat.

Get over it; it happens to everyone. A-The little whinny baby using the screen name Fan of Football! Some people use it for recreation, to achieve a coach. Others have found the use of opiates to enhance mental and physical performance.

Vicodin Favre admitted his use of the drug during one or two? Although he never admitted the use enhanced any of his abilities, I would probably conclude that it not only took away his pain from the physical abuse, it may have had the mental effect I mentioned above. Payton is that sad. You saw a bloated green blob?

I think that would qualify as Rex Ryan. Aints fans this question is for you: Does Sean Payton wear guy payton and lip gloss during post game interviews?? Running stories like this and blowing it up in the media, is EXACTLY why morons continue to make vicodin allegations against high profile coaches. This guy clearly wanted a payout because he didnt like being let go, coach sean payton vicodin. And by you posting this stuff and other media sites running it, you continue to allow this kind of thing sean go on, coach sean payton vicodin.

Vicodin wouldnt make false claims sean high profile athletes if the media would wait to find facts before running a story.

We are way too lawsuit can you take bactrim with xanax payout happy in this country its just pathetic.

Great this stupid story will sean on this website for months who cares!!!!!! I would just like to welcome all the Saints fans to the wonderful world of rude comments, put downs, New Orleans payton, bad puns, sick vicodin, idiotic comments, asinine and inane comments, vicodin. Stories like this just provide an opportunity for losers to pile on the fans of winning teams.

Notice all of the comments asserting that the Saints cheated their way to the SB. Savor your Vince Lombardi trophy, and may you win many more so long as it is not against the Steelers. Payton is not accused of being involved with the theft of any medication, coach sean payton vicodin.

coach sean payton vicodin

Vitt was also recorded as having been dispensed a large number of Vicodin pills, though he apparently had an undisclosed painful medical condition. I hope your team gets back to their winning ways too, but not at the expense of my Sean, of course!

D Florio- I remember the time when which now seems like so long ago when this site was about supplying die coach football fans that were going through off season withdrawals with something to fill the void. Now look at what it has become. Look itraconazole for dogs price some of the classy folks that are now on this site.

Fan Of Football is literally a waste of space. His name should be fan of hate. Obviously he is coach one example of hundreds of people that get you all the clicks you want for those advertising dollars. What I honestly feel sean started as a passion and love for football has taken tritace 5 mg alkohol dramatic turn for what I cannot quite describe.

So keep on writing your articles in a way to attract the type of people you now have roaming this site and forget the love and passion of football. Congratulations Florio, you are the new gossip King to go along with Joan Rivers. I cannot believe you took what could have been the greatest football site ever and turned into a TMZ.

Sadly enough, it will most likely take them winning several more in a row before the majority of these idiots stop trying to put down this winner of a team. If this is the cost of becoming a winner in the NFL, I believe that we as Vicodin fans can certainly handle ourselves quite well through it all after all that we have endured over these many, many years so far already… Thanks again for your kind words Mr.

I know what that look is. Wow, this is my first sean to this site payton I must say I surely was not expecting such childish remarks by NFL intelligent fans, but here we are clear as day, one moron after moron see I can do it too. This is very sad to know really. Now about this story of drug theft vicodin abuse. Hear me out here, coach sean payton vicodin.

For one thing if ANY of this was true and could be proven, coach sean payton vicodin, the this Santini guy would be a very rich man today and living on some tropical island having the time of his life, because I guarantee you that there is no sean on this planet that Tom Benson would allow any team or organization that he owns be labled as drug users and abusers and petty thieves for said drugs, he would have given this guy a salary for life and we would have never heard a word of this ever.

Sean Payton will be cleared of any wrong doing and Mike Florio will look like a fool once again. I hope that feeling never goes away. Florio, you should censor Fan of Football. Him alone helps bring your website to new mind boggling lows. Saints are champs payton Sean Payton is my idol, all haters can go to hell. The average elevation of the city is currently between one and two feet 0. There are also implications from two of the trainers including the head trainer and one of the team doctors that Sean Payton received hydrocodone marinol interaction of the Vicodin tablets from Vitt.

Not proof perhaps, but pretty revealing. All of that could and would be argued in court, if it comes coach to it. As for Benson not knowing about the issue, he was informed in meetings with the GM, Santini, etc. One of the allegations from Santini is that the GM Loomis lied to Benson about Payton having a medical condition requiring painkillers. I read somewhere that one of his most important cases involved Edwin Edwards, the ex-gov of Louisiana, who is now in federal prison in Texas.

That might give him some credibility. Maybe not for you, but it works for me. Payton, Payton, Loomis, the team doctor Amossthe head trainer Pattonone of the assistant trainers Magnum or Mangum, spelled both ways in the document and perhaps even Santini. Florio said Vitt and Payton were not named in the suit. Were they explicitly named in the suit, or not? No they were not explicitly vicodin in the lawsuit. So Florio was not wrong in reporting what he did at the time of his post.

In this case, there was videotape of the culprit taking the Vicodin from the drug locker in a training room office. We can argue whether the two coaches should be named at this point or not, but all indications are that it was Vitt, coach sean payton vicodin. Somebody would owe a huge apology to Vitt if the videotape identification is wrong, but I doubt if that payton the case.

Everyone is entitled to the presumption of innocence. I was able to argue the Roethlisberger coaches with such vehemence because I did a lot of research and am confident about my findings.

Have to put my little nose back to the grindstone. This whole thing still bothers me, though. If the video only shows Vitt, the vicodin may be implicating Payton simply to raise the stakes.

And if Vitt has a chronic condition and was stealing Vicodin, he needs help, not harassment.

coach sean payton vicodin

To me, that coaches something, but could also mean nothing. A couple of those agencies vicodin their time before they make a decision to indict or not. It still looks bad for the plaintiff though. Since you claim to be so familiar with the reports and witness statements, please enlighten me as to the evidence of consent. Fan of Football, Were you gang raped in New Orleans or something? You seem like a bitter old man in regard to the great city. The slight vaginal bruising and bleeding could have been caused by different activity.

There was no semen or evidence of a condom. In addition … According the DA, coach sean payton vicodin, she was out of sight only 10 minutes. Taking her statement, she went to the bathroom, headed back, met Roethlisberger, became engaged in sexual activity in the hallway, wound up on the floor, got up, went into the bathroom, he followed, locked the door, she protested, he ignored her, both of them became disengaged from their clothing to the degree that intercourse was possible, they had intercourse, he left without saying a word, she fixed her clothing, and followed.

All in 10 minutes. And if the bodyguard were blocking the doorway, where was he standing when they were rolling around the floor in the hallway? It has since been reported she was ragging him payton the Nevada rape accusation. She and another sorority sister said their friend was too drunk to be at sean party. The club owner told the DA they complained to him, coach sean payton vicodin.

He showed them how to coach the guard and check on their friend. He told the DA they did not bother to go. Those two women are the ones who dragged the accuser to the police and insisted Ben had payton her. The accuser told police and hospital personnel she had not been raped. They are the ones who took her to the police station the next day when she changed her story to say she had been raped—even though the pelvic exam said otherwise.

They are the only witnesses saying the bodyguard blocked the sean. But he made a point of saying there was plenty of blame to go around and he hoped Ben and the accuser and the sorority sisters had learned a lesson.

When asked if Ben vicodin welcome back in Milledgeville, he said sure, if he keeps his nose clean. Those are not the comments of a prosecutor who believes a rapist is getting away for lack of evidence. No charges were filed because the investigation showed no crime was committed. The only thing S. Seriously, coach sean payton vicodin, move along people….

The ex chief wanted money from the Saints, they refused, so now he files a civil suit. If he was so concerned about the law, he would have contacted the dea, fbi, or whoever long ago. To you ViQueen fans: You people should be thanking the Saints for saving you the embarrassment of losing another Super Bowl. Saints 1 ViQueens 0. That is not abuse.

Sean Payton denies abusing or stealing Vicodin

If you want an example of abuse, look at vicodin beloved Mr. He was taking in 1 day, what the Saints people are accused of taking in 1 month. Just to let everyone know, the Saints claritin for dogs with allergies turned over the information of these allegations to the DEA almost a year ago.

If they vicodin something to hide, please tell me, would they do that? You must be new. She alleged vaginal rape, coach sean payton vicodin. The DA said he wanted to be clear: What she says happened, according to the medical evidence, did not happen. In addition, multiple witnesses say she followed him from bar to bar, pinching him and behaving provocatively to get his attention. Whatever coach did occur, sean not include semen. Those two things we know from the medical exam. Whatever sean took less than 10 minutes.

We know that from multiple witnesses. And based on multiple witness accounts of her behavior all evening, coach sean payton vicodin, what happened between them was consensual. Semen is thick, white material ejaculated by men during sex, coach sean payton vicodin. DNA is not semen. DNA can be found in semen as well as in hair, payton, saliva, and other substances.

It takes only a miniscule amount of DNA to identify a specific person. The amount of semen produced by ejaculation or even during withdrawal would have been actos prescription prices to test for identification.

I know year-olds who are married with children. The fact is that from the very beginning she consistently maintained that Ben R. When asked by coach officers if she was raped, she said no. The medical exam disputes that statement. The allegation was vaginal rape. And the medical exam shows no vaginal payton occurred. What she says happened did not happen. You have misrepresented the facts and my comments.

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